I have been dying to share this baby boy quilt with you all and now that it's in its forever home, I finally can!
Last year sometime, mom-to-be Mandy emailed me about making a baby quilt after she saw this custom baby quilt I made. The only wrinkle: they weren't pregnant yet!
Mandy and her husband were starting fertility treatments and wanted to have a quilt "in the works", as it were. They also asked if I'd be up for finding out the gender directly from their doctor because they wanted it to be a surprise. Honestly, I couldn't say yes fast enough!
I (im)patiently waited to hear news from Mandy, until one day the email came - they were expecting! So we got to working on a custom quilt for their baby. Tackling this was a little difficult since I couldn't openly say "this pattern will work best for a girl or this one for a boy" but, together we picked a pattern. My Joyful Stars pattern seemed like the perfect choice- Classic, but modern with nice clean lines.
Next was the fabric! Since Mandy didn't know the gender initially, I made two pulls to show her for her approval - a boy one and a girl one. I'll be honest, I did a really good job with the pull for a girl. I'm a little sad that one had to go right back, but this baby boy pull is so sweet as well!

I tried to have a nice balance of the colors Mandy wanted - greys, mints, and light blues - as well as, a nice balance of prints and solids. When making a scrappy Joyful Stars that's really the key - a good balance of prints and solids!
After putting together the first block, I knew I had just the perfect pull! Look how cute this block is!

For the quilting on this baby boy quilt, I did a classic straight line quilting at about 3/4" apart. And I used a classic stripe fabric for the binding that really pulls the whole together.
Oh! And the backing! I love the backing Mandy picked. It has the cutest astronaut bears and little stars. It goes perfectly with the quilt top!
This was honestly, the sweetest project to work on. I am honored to have been trusted with this project and details!
I cannot wait to see pictures of this sweet babe on this quilt!
Baby Boy Quilt Details
Pattern: Joyful Stars
Backing: Art Gallery Capsules Stargazer To Bearfinity and Beyond
Fabrics: Kona White, various solids and prints from my stash
Binding: Bloomington Candy Stripe by Lella Boutique
This is a BEAUTIFUL quilt! I love the colors that you used! May I ask where you buy your fabrics?