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Midpoint Quilt - The Speckled One (plus tester quilts!)

Midpoint Quilt - The Speckled One (plus tester quilts!)

If you haven't read my blog post about how the Midpoint pattern came to life, head over to the blog post here.

This blog post is all about my happy, bright, textured-filled Speckled Midpoint. As I've said many times, I love making all-solids quilts, but sometimes a basic steals my heart, and that's exactly what Speckled did. This forever basic from Ruby Star Society is so fun! Its spots mimic paint speckles and have metallic spots which adds such a fun layer to this fabric.

Now, the problem I had with this quilt. I wanted to finish the quilt top before packing my sewing machine for our move. So right after I shipped off my Whatnot quilt top to the longarmer, I started working on this top. And did not stop until I finished it that night!

Yup. I cut and pieced this whole quilt top in one day! This quilt pattern is THAT fast and that fun to put together! This means, I got exactly zero pictures of the process. I got no pictures until it was a finished 🙈. BUT I did find the perfect wall during our last week in Tacoma to take a pictures so, worth it? haha

This also means, that this quilt was the first quilt I quilted in my new sewing space. I cannot wait to share more pictures of this space, but it was pretty dreamy.

For the quilting, I did some straight-lined echo quilting, similar to what I did on the original mini quilt I did for Modern Makes back in December (see picture here).

As I quilted it, I knew I wanted to add quilting in the center of each stripe but couldn't decide between machine quilting or hand-quilting. The decision was made for me when I realized I had all the colors I needed on hand. It felt like too good of a coincidence not to do it!

So for two days straight I basically did nothing but Netflix and hand quilt. The end result is so worth it! I did have one more moment of indecision when I got to the big negative space and the background stripes. I was originally going to do white perle cotton, but it blended in and got lost in the background. After texting my quilty bestie Rachel, she helped me sort out my existential crisis and I went for colored perle cotton, matching the color of the fabric!

I honestly do not think I could love this quilt more than I do. It's so happy and bright, and the texture! It's so cuddly and soft. I love the extra texture that the hand quilting gives it and I'm so glad I went for it! This is one quilt I'm definitely keeping! Unless my oldest son steals it from me like he has tried a couple of times already haha

Quilt Information

Fabric used is Speckled by Rashida Coleman-Hale for Ruby Star Society. The colors used are Citron, Peony, Strawberry, Witchy, Bright Blue, Turquoise, and Confetti (Background).

Purchase the Pattern

Testers Midpoint Quilts

And now, for my favorite part! Tester quilts! I love, love seeing what my testers come up with. They always surprise me and this time was no exception!

From the metallic details, to the green, to the amazing landscape, I love everything about Alison's Midpoint!

Quilt in the wild - Midpoint by Cotton and Joy

Claudia's range of blues offset by that bright yellow is so good!

Midpoint Tester Quilts - Quilt by Claudia

I love, love, love Delphine's use of Giucy Giuce fabric for this happy and bright Midpoint quilt!

Quilt in the wild - Midpoint by Cotton and Joy

Genna always has the most beautiful quilts and pictures out in the wild and this was no exception!

I adore Jessica's choice of fabrics and the quilting she did on her Midpoint!

Tester Quilt by Jessica of Sewmilliemae

Julie's mini quilt seriously stole my heart! The combination of blues and teal is just perfect!

Keyana's black and white Midpoint is SO GOOD, y'all!

And last, but definitely not least! How PERFECT is this the fabric Petra used for her mini/pillow Midpoint?! Meant to be!

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